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Monthly Social

Our Monthly Socials are held the first Tuesday of the month, 6pm, at rotating locations. Check the calendar for the next social. Topics usually cover past and upcoming trail building events, future trail projects and any regional mountain biking related news but the floor is yours and we basically talk about trails, bikes and adventures for an hour or more.

Club Officers and Support Crew

Members of the Board: Bryan Adams, Matt Hayes, Scott Whitaker, Larry Koester, John Donjoian
Web Administrator, Membership Guy, Other Stuff: Matt, also looking for volunteers to assist or take over roles
Treasurer: Larry Koester
Print Media, Graphic Designer: Lisa Hayes
Secretary, Meeting Minutes: Steph Adams
St. Louis County Parks Liaison: Bryan Adams
St. Charles County Parks Liaison: Greg Ott
Mapping & GPS: Ron Istvan
Trail Tool Inventory: Glenn Meyer
Moonlight Rides: Ed Gengenbacher

Trail Stewards

St. Louis Area

Bluff View (aka Rock Hollow aka Zombie): Dave Beattie, Mitch Johnson, Greg Ott
Castlewood State Park: John Peiffer and Shannon Ranson
Chubb Trail: Hunter Henry, Jim Krewet, Scott Gettemeyer
Cliff Cave: Stephen Ludwig
Creve Coeur Lake: Dean Clore
Greensfelder: Matt Hayes, Bryan Adams, Ron Istvan

St. Charles Area

Bangert Island: Tony Caruso, Jason Kulma, Kevin Hunsel
Broemmelsiek: Dave Krajcovic
Indian Camp Creek: Curt Denham, Chris Dial
Klondike Park: Ed Gengenbacher, Dean Ayres
Lost Valley: Larry Koester, Greg Ott, Mitch Johnson, John Donjoian
Matson Hill: Ed Gengenbacher, Dean Ayres
Quail Ridge: Chris Caplinger, Dave Otto
Youth Activity Park (YAP): John Donjoian


Silver Lake: James Hooton
SIUE Trails: Steve Smith, Pete & Gigi Kuerschgen, Ross Blanton

Ozark Region

The Ozark Trail Association coordinates Ozark Trail maintenance.

Mailing Address

Gateway Off-Road Cyclists
5673 Wrenwyck Place
Weldon Spring, MO 63304


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